Fix Your Finances Webinar Opt In

The journey to being in full control of your financial future is understanding this...

Serious About Wealth: 5 Ways to Fix Your Finances This Week

Click the Button Now to Join Us for This Free Live Webinar Wednesday August 1st for Professionals Who Want to Become Financially Independent

Here Are the Details for This Webinar

  • When is it? Wednesday, August 1st ,2018 at 8pm
  • Where is it? Join in from your laptop/desktop
  • Who's doing it? Rob Wilson, Financial Advisor + Frequent Contributor to CNN, CBS, NBC and Fox and the Tom Joyner Morning Show
  • Why should I be there? To start learning the important financial concepts that no one ever taught you.
  • What's it all about? A 5-step process to begin fixing your finances THIS WEEK. Full details below.

This training begins in...


Best Practices from my 13+ Years as a Financial Advisor

"If you're not intentionally trying to get wealthy, you'll likely end up accidentally poor.

Since 2005, I've helped athletes, entertainers and ambitious young professionals like you learn how to create, grow and protect real wealth.

In this webinar, I'll be sharing these best practices of what's worked for us with you. See you there!"

—Rob Wilson - Chief Insight Officer, Wilson Insight

During This Free Live Training, You Will Learn:

  • Why It's Important to be In Total Control of Your Finances. In order to truly get serious about building wealth, you first have to understand why it's absolutely vital to do so . I'll break down the current state of the economy and I'll explain why you must begin taking action today.

  • My Top Financial Strategies Revealed. There are certain things that wealthy people do that helped them get that way and stay that way. It's time you started doing the same things. I'll show you how. 

  • Best Practices for Turning Your Hard Work into Wealth...For You and Your Family...Not Your Boss. I mean, you're not getting up everyday, sitting in traffic and working long hours and weekends just to make someone else rich...are you? 

  • How to Use Technology to Your Advantage. Yes, your grandparents had to "balance their checkbook" by hand. Unless you're going back in time, you don't have to do it that way. I'll show you the tech tools you can use the make being good with your money a breeze.

  • Answer Your Questions Live. This is not a pre-recorded training. Join me live on August 1st and I'll answer your most pressing financial questions throughout the webinar.

WARNING: Space is limited and these LIVE trainings always fill up because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for… even though they are free.